Your Asthmatic Child And Sports

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When you have a child with asthma, you spend a lot of time worrying. You also spend considerable time on their medical care, including doctor's visits and medication monitoring. After years of dealing with your child's condition, you may be reluctant to expose them to things that can exacerbate their asthma. As a result, you may discourage them from participating in sports. However, many professional athletes cope with their condition while being highly successful in their field. If you take certain precautions, your child can safely be an athlete.


Many asthma triggers are not associated with physical activity. For instance, common triggers include cigarette smoke, dust mites, mold, and pollen. If your child has a cold, it can bring on a full-fledged attack. However, certain conditions associated with sporting events can also exacerbate your child's condition. Cold air or weather changes can be triggers for some, so any outdoor sport can make asthma symptoms worse. Also, some people who have asthma suffer from something called exercise-induced bronchoconstriction or EID. In that case, participating in some sports becomes more difficult. 


When your child is involved in strenuous sports, it is very important that they always take their medications as prescribed. In particular, they must always have their relief or emergency inhaler nearby. In fact, they should have several handy, including one in their sports locker and one with their coach. Since asthma can come on quickly, your child has to have immediate access to this medication. Experts also recommend that your child always warms up and cools down properly. 

When your child's sport requires that they are outside during the worst of allergy season, they may occasionally have to miss a practice or two, which is something their coach should be made aware of. Although your athlete may have to miss out on a few activities, asthma shouldn't keep them from being a vital part of their team. 

Doctor's Input

Before letting your child join any team, you should consult with their primary doctor. Asthma varies with the individual, so only your child's medical team will know what sports are practical for them. 

Asthma does not have to keep your child off the basketball court or soccer field. As long as your child takes a few precautions and follows their individual medical plan, successfully competing in the sport of their choice should be an option. Work with the coaching staff to make certain that your child is properly monitored. Talk to your doctor about whether a medication like Aerospan RX would help to improve your child's asthma symptoms.
