How to Correct a Tailor's Bunion with a Fifth Metatarsal Osteotomy

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Most people do not know when they are experiencing symptoms related to having a bunion. Painful bunions make it difficult to exercise and walk. If you are experiencing symptoms because of a tailor's bunion, then it is time to seek orthopedic care.

A tailor's bunion is a swelling that form on your fifth metatarsal at the bottom of your little toe. The metatarsal bones are the five narrow bones found in the foot between your ankle and toes. This condition commonly occurs from genetics, inappropriate footwear or a bone spur.

In the beginning, a tailor's bunion does not cause any symptoms, but you may not like the look of your toe. If you start to experience swelling, pain at the toe, tenderness and redness, then it is time to get treatment. Read on to find out how to correct a tailor's bunion with a fifth metatarsal osteotomy.

How Is the Surgery Done?

A fifth metatarsal osteotomy consists of making a cut into the bone to make it straighter and making the bony prominence smaller. It gets rid of the curve in your toe by cutting it down and repositioning it. This technique stops the rubbing on the outer side of your foot and decreases pain.

Shaving the bump is usually done along with an osteotomy. This procedure consists of removing the outer side of the head of the 5th metatarsal bone. A small amount of the normal bone and the reactive bone growth is taken out. The shaving also smooths the bump down, which reduces the size. No screws or pins are put into your bone.

After Surgery

You are not allowed to put weight on your foot after surgery and need to use crutches. Overtime, you can start putting some weight on your foot. It is important to keep off your feet as much as possible. You may want to wear a foot orthotic to make it easier to walk.

After this surgery, your foot will be swollen for a while. It is going to be hard to wear normal shoes. For example, you should not wear high heels for six months.

This condition is very common and do not always require surgery. If you are experiencing pain, then you need to visit an orthopaedic care center like Milford Hospital. Your doctor can help you decide on the best treatment. It is important to not let having a tailor's bunion limit your quality of life.
