Helping Your Child To Cope With Eczema At School

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Children with eczema can have a hard time in school. They may encounter teasing and may also find it difficult to fit into to their environment. If your child has eczema then there are some specific actions you should take to ensure that your child is comfortable at school.

Talk To The Teacher

Your child's teacher will need to be aware that your child has eczema. Children with eczema may scratch a lot when they have flare-ups. Ask the teacher to excuse your child from the room when this happens, so that they can go to the bathroom or some other private location in the school to apply moisturizer or cream to relieve the itching.

Give The Teacher A Written List

Make a list of the things in the environment and foods that trigger your child's eczema and share it with the teacher. For example, some children with eczema cannot sit near radiators and heating ducts in the classroom, since this makes them sweat, and it might lead to skin irritation and scratching. Giving your child's teacher a list with specific triggers like this will help to make your child and their teacher more comfortable at school.

Prepare An Eczema Kit

One of the most important things you can give your child is an eczema kit to take to school. This kit should have all the items that your child and teacher may need to take care of potential problems that can occur at school due to eczema. Here are some things you should have in your child's eczema kit.

  1. Gloves are essential, and you should put at least two pairs in your child's eczema kit. Your child can wear these gloves if they have to touch things at school that might irritate their skin.
  2. Place your child's moisturizing lotion as well as their antibiotic ointment in the kit and teach your child how to apply it when you are not around.
  3. Place a hand cleanser and an alcohol-free hand sanitizer in the kit, since it is best that your child uses their own and not the ones provided by the school.
  4. Since children with eczema often get scratches, you should include adhesive bandages, gauze pads and band aids in the kit.
  5. Include a copy of the list you gave the teacher in the kit, so that there is always an extra copy available for emergencies.

Helping your child and their teacher cope with eczema at school requires that you educate both the child and the teacher about the condition. For more information, contact Kitsap Children's Clinic LLP or a similar location.
